Monday, 29 February 2016

Why Do I Sympathize With Najib Razak?

I was born an ordinary Malaysian, earning an average wage, & living a humble life, but I'm living a soulful life because I'm surrounded by loving family, true friends, and most importantly I live significantly.

Life have been tough, since GST was implemented on 1st April, 2015. I started feeling envious of our prime minister who can still afford to purchase & travel in a new private jet and live a luxurious life.

Any Tom, Dick and Harry just wouldn't even dare to dream of such life. All they pray is that their salary is enough to make ends meet, they can still afford to provide food on the table and roof on top of their heads.

1. We are just a visitor on Earth!
Three days ago, I attended a life-changing camp that changed my perspective about life forever. Through this game, I realised that "We came to this world with NOTHING, and we will leave one day with NOTHING". - Which literally means that we can't bring along any of our earthly possession with us. We will face the God's judgement based on how we live our lives. Without money, or any of our possession, what significant deeds we had done during our lifetime is what that matters to God!

2. The Lost Soul
Our dear Prime Minister may had gain the whole world, but what he didnt realised is that he had lose his own soul. His life had been evolving & controlled by money, that he had lose his purpose of life. His selfish ambition had earned him the most hateful ASEAN leader on social media, and many felt bad when something bad didnt happened to him, when he announced to the media that he almost lose his life in a helicopter accident.

3. The Priceless Posessions 
Thats not all, in pursuit of his political career, he sacked those who questions his credibility, and hired those who sided him - those new recruited ministers sing praises for him, but are they considered his true friends? Only time will tell... who will stay on by his side, if he has nothing else to offer them but himself.

What more to say, did he live a significant life? If he had been living a life with purpose, he wouldn't have been suffering and tormented each day, because people had been questioning about his credibility as a leader, doubting about his source of wealth, and he is still struggling so much to gain people's respect, even to the extend of restricting the freedom of speech by revolting media's license, and controlling social medias postings!

Basically, I reckoned the reason why he is desperately clinging to his wealth is because without that, he is nothing but an EMPTY SHELL.

P.S: If he thinks that he have been wrongly framed by his people, all it takes is to show a SOLID evidence that those earthly posessions are rightfully belongs to him.

In a nutshell, everyone came to this world with a purpose. In God's eyes, life is not about how much money or earthly posession you have, but what matters is to live according God's plan and purpose for your life.

According to Bible, how can we find purpose in life?
Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil" (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). Solomon says that life is all about honoring God with our thoughts and lives and thus keeping His commandments, for one day we will stand before Him in judgment. Part of our purpose in life is to fear God and obey Him.

P.S: Personally, I'm not a Christian, but a Free-Thinker who adopts different religion's teaching in my life. My main goal has always been about living a significant life.

3.Sweet Dream Vs Nightmare
While any Tom, Dick and Harry might brag about their funny dreams that they dreamt last night, or just shrug it off... but I believe our dear prime minister must have been having sleepless night,worrying about whether what will happen tomorrow. Who will appear in the public and challenge him to speak up about his lavish lifestyle and an unaccounted amount of money stored inside his personal bank account(s), or maybe he might be a target of attack by some unknown people who had enough of him. Well, I won't be surprised if he feel insecure by taking a walk at public area without his security guards, since he had earned himself a glorious title of "ASEAN'S MOST HATED  LEADER". Well, that is a a saying goes "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW". 

So, fellow readers.. lets be grateful that we can still enjoy a peaceful sleep and sweet dream. 

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