Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Private & Controversial Mind of A Singleton

 Christmas is approaching, 
Soon, I will be approaching my 30's
Time flies and keep ticking,
without stopping & rewinding.

The time has changed,

yet people's perception remains,
As a woman, you need a man!
If you don't settle down, then
your life will be Damn!!%*^#&$99)($#()

Singleton by choice,

Getting hitched with pride,
We all think different, yet alike,
Pursuing the path that we like,
to seek fulfillment in our lifetime.

It is quite alarming to know that Malaysian population are shrinking.
(especially the Chinese Malaysians)
- See more at:

"When it comes yo declining birth rates, the government wants

Malaysian to worry less about quality, and focus more on quantity."
the statements reflects on how desperate Malaysian government is,
in tackling on this alarming issue.

 No matter what happen, even if the human species is facing extinction...

Singletons stay firm on their decision to stay single by choice. 
Yes! people like us are constantly receiving pressure
from friends & family to find a partner & settle down. 
I believe some will most probably cussing us making such a selfish decision.

Hear us out, folks...before you make any lopsided judgement on singletons

Everyone has 24 hours a day,
                               7days a week,
                                      365 days a year.
If you think that you have additional time to spend with your family, friends & on yourself, after having a partner... YOU ARE ILLUSIONAL.
Those time, are originated from the personal time you used to spend 
with you family & friends.

As time passed, you will realize that the ratio of time, you spent with your partner are 
more than with your family/friends or spending solitary time doing what you enjoy most (*combined)
Sometimes, you have to make a decision that gives a win-win situation for both parties.

Reason: Relationship is all about compromising & committed to each other. 

Unless you are only interesting in flirting around, usually a loving relationship will lead to marriage. Centuries had passed, and providing a status in the book of law, is well preserved. That is where the responsibility sprouted from a root to branches in a family tree.
During courting times, you are only getting involve in your partner's life. 
   but after marriage, it is not a matter of two individuals, but of two families.
       - you will find yourself getting involve in your own family's affair as well as your 
         lifetime partner's. Do your homework on how you can juggle your dual roles well as a 
         daughter/son and son/daughter in-law.
       - and the remaining time, you need to focus on own children's welfare & career.

Do you still have enough time for yourself??


Before you consider about the government's effort to increase the population, look into your own pockets...
  In reality, everyone (*including the ministers) only worry about their own pockets. 

GST, inflation and depreciation of currency value have caused the price of basic necessity

sky-rocketed, while your coffer growth remains stagnant. 
         What did the same ministers who plead the people to worry less about quality and 
         focus on quantity do to ease your financial burden??

                Have they make any effective move that will help you to increase your coffer? 
                --  NO.
                Have they step up to provide subsidies for your children's welfare? -- NO.

So, why should we, singletons oblige the government's effort to settle down & increase the population, when our coffer is shrinking day by day? Increasing the population will only increase these minister's coffer via GST, as our saving diminishes into the 'nation's coffer'

When you have a meagre income, every cent counts.

When you have more financial responsibilities on others, you will have less for yourself.

4. Hardship

During this economy slowdown, are you having a hard time to make ends meet?

Do you feel safe, as the recent global crime gets more violent and ruthless?

The world is no longer a nice place to live, as people are getting more satanic in the name of God/religion. If suicide bombing & massive killing are preached as a religious act, and not a sin, the world is in a verge of self-destruction. 

Good health may no longer prolong our expiry date... and our future are bleak.
    We cant help but to worry for our own safety... 
      we might not know when we might be at the wrong place, at the wrong time... as such
      criminal act just happened unannounced.

  Why should we dedicate our lives by fulfilling others, and sidelining our own?
  Why should we produce 'another being' to consume our scarce resources, and 
 ride on the hardship together, for the sake of contributing towards population growth?
Reason: Singleton just want to spend every moments of their life
on pursuing what they enjoy most (*without restrictions)
 and live their life to the fullest. 

5. Purpose of Life
After getting into a relationship, you may enjoy
 * dining at restaurants
 * Overseas adventure
 * Hanging out frequently with friends 

but.... you lose your purpose of life. 
Your main concern will most probably evolves around your partner...
 --- Have he/she taken his/her meal?
    ---- why isnt she returning my call/reply my message?
      --- I wonder what is he/she doing right now?

or just a (*sigh) I miss him/her so much... after a period of separation.

These thoughts occupied every inches of room in ones brain, that there is no space to have a second thought about the true purpose of life.
        ---- What they themselves actually want to achieve in life?

Till the end, ones can only summed up as
          "settling down with an ideal partner, and live happily ever after"

but for a singleton, we believe we can achieve more,
  whether in contributing back to the society...
than just a babies making producers.
 to do what we think is best in nurturing our own soul..
there are many other earthling out there who needs us...

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