Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Healerite Fantasy - Chapter2

Someday News officially launch their first broadcast. How was the wealth accumulated?

It keeps the people thinking. How can some ministers afford such a luxurious lifestyle, 
and flashing on their extravagant exotic jewelry? People no longer, make their judgement based 
on the national media coverage, which was believed to be under political control.
They starts to source out for additional reading online, which reported based 
on various different perspective by netizens.

The world came crashing down for those unethical ministers when their 
wrong deed received sensational coverage and response from Someday News avid readers, 
and other online tabloids. What makes it more frustrating is that it is beyond their control.

People felt extremely angry, upset and disappointed at these ministers,
for they had betrayed the civilians trust who voted for them during the general election.They started to doubt whether they had made the right decision. While the people were struggling to cope with inflation, the news coverage of corruptions involving a huge sum of money among ministers, was indeed a big blow to them.  

Someday News received interference from the Ministry of Media Broadcast.
The government will be filing a lawsuit against them for defamation and 
spreading unverified reports.
Oh, NOOO!! Does Kim Moon Ho felt threatened? 
Will he apologies publicly and give up just like that?
Will Someday News be closed down and the employees lose their job???
So many questions were left unanswered and Kim Moon Ho cant be contacted.

Meanwhile, Someday News have been on hiatus for a short period of time.
Outsiders where curious if Someday News were close down, since no one picked up 
the phone when contacted. Its employees seems indifferent, and went to work as usual.
What are they up to? No one knows...
"Keep covering that story" said Kim Moon Ho.

What story Kim Moon Ho is referring?
The embezzlement funds that involves ministers ? or secret relationship among celebrities?

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