The Monk Who Sold His Ferari
* There is nothing noble of being superior to others.
* Don't be concern with other people's judgement, as long as you did the right thing according to your conscious and your heart.
* 3 Purpose of life:
#1: Self Mastery #2:Peace of Mind #3: Enlightenment
* Setting defined, meaningful lifetime goal(s), and act on it.
* Discover & cultivate your personal strength, talents, qualities and passion.
* Picture your desire(s)
* Take control of your life. Be the master of your fate.
* Get out of comfort zone, and explore the unknown. It will unleash your true potential
* Identify your fear.
* Work hard live a soaring life by nourishing your mind and soul
* Enlightened people usually put off short term pleasure in pursuit of long term fulfillment
* Hunger to live a meaningful and satisfactory life, and not a materialistic ones.
* Time mastery is life mastery. Guard it well by doing things that are truly meaningful to you.
Always remember, it is a non-renewable resource.
* Stop chasing big pleasures and neglect the little ones.
Many Lives Many Masters
* Our task is to learn, to become God-like through knowledge. Then we must share knowledge with other people.
* If you dont get rid of your bad habits in physical state, it will 'follow' you into your next life.
*Approach people whose vibration is wrong, and lead them to the right path.
* We have no right to end other's life. Remember, they will suffer retribution if we spare their lives. When they die, they will suffer and restless. Then, they will be reincarnated into a hard life, and make up to those whom they treated badly.
* Life is endless. We never die, neither we are really born. We just experience different phases endlessly. Most importantly, is the lessons we gain throughout the journey
* One must have patience for everything comes at the right time.
* Our body is like a vehicle when we are in physical state. We are actually a soul in a body, going through human experience. So our soul and spirit last forever.